Why I am running as an Independent
I have been selected by the community and as a community backed Independent, my sole loyalty is to our community - the people of Fisher - not to party politics or vested interests.
Unlike the major parties, I’ll genuinely listen to our community and fight for the issues that matter most. It’s time for a new kind of representation in Canberra—practical, balanced, independent leadership that puts people first.
Our Coast is a place of unique beauty and vibrant communities, from beachside suburbs to the hinterland. But many of us are struggling with rising costs of living and unaffordable housing. Traffic congestion is worsening, while still we wait for better public transport services. The mental health system is failing those in need, and career politicians in Canberra seem more focused on playing games and besting one another than delivering solutions.
I’ve seen firsthand that collaboration, not point-scoring, drives meaningful change. Together, we can protect what makes our region special while addressing the challenges we face.
Fisher has been a safe seat for decades. That is not in our best interests. It’s time for an MP who listens, takes action, and delivers results for you - not a political party.
People of Fisher, let's shake things up in 2025!!
Who is Keryn Jones?
With over 35 years dedicated to building a business, raising a family, and serving her community, Keryn is a proud and active member of the Sunshine Coast. Together with her husband Mark, Keryn pioneered grid-connect solar energy on the Coast, transforming their electrical business into a solar success story. Their efforts, in partnership with a community group, helped the Caloundra postcode lead Australia in solar uptake for several years.
Keryn’s commitment to community extends beyond her business achievements. As a Councillor during the challenging period of Sunshine Coast Council’s amalgamation, Keryn stood out for her integrity and focus, tackling complex issues like planning and environmental protection. Her ability to collaborate across divides and deliver practical, community-first solutions has been a hallmark of her career.
A mother of two sons who went through local public schools, Keryn understands the pressures families face and is willing to roll up her sleeves to help. She's always been hands-on in the community, volunteering with tuck shops, local environmental and disability groups and the Covid care army, to Meals on Wheels, OzHarvest and the Buddies Refugee program, to travelling south to help rebuild communities after bushfires. She has led community consultations, chaired a Council Taskforce, initiated the Lights on the Lake Christmas event at Currimundi, organised World Environment Day Festivals, and oversaw the delivery of the Sunshine Coast Stadium. Keryn's approach has always been to bring people together to figure out practical solutions.
Currently a director of the Environmental Legacy Foundation, Keryn continues to champion sustainability and community well-being, contributing her energy and expertise to causes she believes in deeply she’s always focused on creating a better future for her community.
An alumna of the University of the Sunshine Coast, Keryn holds a Bachelor of Social Science (Distinguished Academic Record) and has been honoured with the Arts and Social Science Outstanding Alumnus Award. Her journey is a testament to the power of vision, collaboration, and action in building a stronger, more connected community.